Dynoexelixis http://dynoexelixis.gr/ Recent Videos Video <![CDATA[Evolution MotorSports with Todd Zuccone and team at Texas Mile, October 2010]]>  Todd Zuccone founder of Evolution MotorSports continues the Quest for 240. That is 240 Miles Per Hour. Here the 997.1TT/EVT1200 is stretched out by our partners Mike Paridis and Rodrigo Corbisier during the Texas Mile event in Goliad, TX in October 2010. The Quest to 240MPH will continue in 2011 as the Evolution MotorSports team presses the EVT1200 Performance System way over 1300 wheel Horsepower. In this video you will see John Bray senior engine builder along with EVOMS Partners Mike Paridis of Exelixis in Greece, Alex Raphael of MaxRPM in Bremerton, WA, Luis Galan from AutoDynamica in Houston along with Rodrigo Corbisier from Brazil. Everyone in the EVOMS family is focused on pushing this Porsche closer to the goal of 240MPH. The next runs will "look" completely different. Some have said that the car is beginning to represent Satan himself... you will be the judge... Special thanks to customers and rockers, TIEKEN for their great tracks, "Wasted Time" and "Freakshow" from their CD. Check out the band at www.TIEKENBAND.com. Put EYEBALLS to www.EVOMS.com to find more performance for Porsche, Gumpert, Lamborghini, Ferrari, BMW, Audi, and VW or give a call in Arizona 1.480.317.9911 or send an email: info@EVOMS.com. Evolution MotorSports Research & Development Center 1625 E. Weber Dr. Tempe, Arizona - USA. Phone 480.317.9911 EVOMS.com Follow Evolution MotorSports www.twitter.com/EVOMS www.facebook.com/EvolutionMotorSports www.facebook.com/EVOMSit]]> Mon, 19 Sep 2011 15:30:15 GMT http://dynoexelixis.gr/en/media/video/viewvideo/12/dynoexelixis/evolution-motorsports-with-todd-zuccone-and-team-at-texas-mile-october-2010 <![CDATA[Texas Mile October 2010 - Evolution Motorsports Mayhem and Autodynamica]]>  Our Autodynamica team was at the Texas Mile October 2010 to support our partners Evolution Motorsports on their quest for 240 miles per hour. This is a video of one of project Mayhem's run. Fastest recorded speed was over 220 miles per hour.]]> Mon, 19 Sep 2011 15:30:03 GMT http://dynoexelixis.gr/en/media/video/viewvideo/11/dynoexelixis/texas-mile-october-2010-evolution-motorsports-mayhem-and-autodynamica <![CDATA[Starting the EVOMS EVT1500 at Evolution MotorSports part 2]]>  Starting up, checking Fuel files, while letting the engine warm up and taste some new fuel. - Captured Live on Ustream at http://www.ustream.tv/channel/tuning-for-texas-mile-2011 Special thanks to the Guys and Gals at Western States Petroleum for providing the fuel for our Texas Mile prep and run at 240MPH! Put EYEBALLS to www.EVOMS.com to find more performance for Porsche, Gumpert, Lamborghini, Ferrari, BMW, Audi, and VW or give a call in Arizona 1.480.317.9911 or send an email: info@EVOMS.com. Evolution MotorSports Research & Development Center 1625 E. Weber Dr. Tempe, Arizona - USA. Phone 480.317.9911 EVOMS.com Follow Evolution MotorSports www.twitter.com/EVOMS www.facebook.com/EvolutionMotorSports www.facebook.com/EVOMSit]]> Mon, 19 Sep 2011 15:29:49 GMT http://dynoexelixis.gr/en/media/video/viewvideo/10/dynoexelixis/starting-the-evoms-evt1500-at-evolution-motorsports-part-2 <![CDATA[Evolution MotorSports eats Pizza from Gus' in Tempe!]]>  1500 HP Porsche tuning requires big pizza breaks. Gus' in Tempe, AZ fits the bill. - Captured Live on Ustream at http://www.ustream.tv/channel/tuning-for-texas-mile-2011 Special thanks to the Guys and Gals at Western States Petroleum for providing the fuel for our Texas Mile prep and run at 240MPH! Put EYEBALLS to www.EVOMS.com to find more performance for Porsche, Gumpert, Lamborghini, Ferrari, BMW, Audi, and VW or give a call in Arizona 1.480.317.9911 or send an email: info@EVOMS.com. Evolution MotorSports Research & Development Center 1625 E. Weber Dr. Tempe, Arizona - USA. Phone 480.317.9911 EVOMS.com Follow Evolution MotorSports www.twitter.com/EVOMS www.facebook.com/EvolutionMotorSports www.facebook.com/EVOMSit]]> Mon, 19 Sep 2011 15:29:36 GMT http://dynoexelixis.gr/en/media/video/viewvideo/9/dynoexelixis/evolution-motorsports-eats-pizza-from-gus-in-tempe <![CDATA[234mph EVOMS twin turbo 997 Porsche - The Texas Mile - March 2011]]>  Some of the runs from the EVOMS 997 TT Porsche at the Texas Mile. March 2011 Check out http://www.hightechcorvette.com Follow us on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/hightech.corvette]]> Mon, 19 Sep 2011 15:29:20 GMT http://dynoexelixis.gr/en/media/video/viewvideo/8/dynoexelixis/234mph-evoms-twin-turbo-997-porsche-the-texas-mile-march-2011 <![CDATA[EVOMS Preps MAYHEM, the EVT1500 Porsche 997.1TT for Texas Mile at Evolution MotorSports March 2011]]>  Prepping the EVT1500 for Texas Mile. EVOMS Founder and President Todd Zuccone along with Senior Engine Builder John Bray, Service Manager Robert Boreham and European Tuning specialist from Exelixis in Greece, Mike Paridis begin final preparation for the Texas Mile in March of 2011. Special thanks to the Guys and Gals at Western States Petroleum for providing the fuel for our Texas Mile prep and run at 240MPH! Special shout-out to customers and rockers, TIEKEN for their great track, "Munster Movie" from their CD. Check out the band at www.TIEKENBAND.com. Put EYEBALLS to www.EVOMS.com to find more performance for Porsche, Gumpert, Lamborghini, Ferrari, BMW, Audi, and VW or give a call in Arizona 1.480.317.9911 or send an email: info@EVOMS.com. Evolution MotorSports Research & Development Center 1625 E. Weber Dr. Tempe, Arizona - USA. Phone 480.317.9911 EVOMS.com Follow Evolution MotorSports www.twitter.com/EVOMS www.facebook.com/EvolutionMotorSports www.facebook.com/EVOMSit]]> Mon, 19 Sep 2011 15:29:03 GMT http://dynoexelixis.gr/en/media/video/viewvideo/7/dynoexelixis/evoms-preps-mayhem-the-evt1500-porsche-9971tt-for-texas-mile-at-evolution-motorsports-march-2011 <![CDATA[EVOMS EVT1200 Porsche 997.1TT by Evolution MotorSports at 1300 WHEEL HP]]>  The Quest to 240MPH continues as the Evolution MotorSports team presses the EVT1200 Performance System over 1300 WHEEL Horsepower. Tonight, senior EVOMS engine builder John Bray is assisted by EVOMS Founder Todd Zuccone, EVOMS Tuning Partners Mike Paridis of Exelixis in Greece and Alex Raphael of MaxRPM in Bremerton, WA. Final dyno runs and then final prep before we depart for TEXAS MILE in Goliad, TX. Special thanks to customers and rockers, TIEKEN for their great track, "Get Out" from their CD. Check out the band at www.TIEKENBAND.com. Put EYEBALLS to www.EVOMS.com to find more performance for Porsche, Gumpert, Lamborghini, Ferrari, BMW, Audi, and VW or give a call in Arizona 1.480.317.9911 or send an email: info@EVOMS.com. Evolution MotorSports Research & Development Center 1625 E. Weber Dr. Tempe, Arizona - USA. Phone 480.317.9911 EVOMS.com Follow Evolution MotorSports www.twitter.com/EVOMS www.facebook.com/EvolutionMotorSports www.facebook.com/EVOMSit]]> Mon, 19 Sep 2011 15:28:44 GMT http://dynoexelixis.gr/en/media/video/viewvideo/6/dynoexelixis/evoms-evt1200-porsche-9971tt-by-evolution-motorsports-at-1300-wheel-hp <![CDATA[The EVOMS EVT1500 Porsche 997TT hits warp speed at Texas Mile, March 2011]]>  Have you ever wondered what it might sound like to stick your head out the sunroof at Texas Mile? Well, wonder no more. This is the rear mount GoProHD letting us experience what our dogs do, when they hang out the window. It's probably a better idea to keep our Hands and Feet inside the car at all times!!! EVOMS Founder and President Todd Zuccone along with Senior Engine Builder John Bray, Service Manager Robert Boreham and European Tuning specialist and EVOMS Tuning partner / driver / great friend driver from Exelixis in Greece, Mike Paridis post a record time of 234.6 MPH at the Texas Mile in March 2011. Special thanks to the people at Western States Petroleum for providing the fuel for our Texas Mile prep and run. Put EYEBALLS to www.EVOMS.com to find more performance for Porsche, Gumpert, Lamborghini, Ferrari, BMW, Audi, and VW or give a call in Arizona 1.480.317.9911 or send an email: info@EVOMS.com. Evolution MotorSports Research & Development Center 1625 E. Weber Dr. Tempe, Arizona - USA. Phone 480.317.9911 EVOMS.com Follow Evolution MotorSports www.twitter.com/EVOMS www.facebook.com/EvolutionMotorSports www.facebook.com/EVOMSit]]> Mon, 19 Sep 2011 15:28:26 GMT http://dynoexelixis.gr/en/media/video/viewvideo/5/dynoexelixis/the-evoms-evt1500-porsche-997tt-hits-warp-speed-at-texas-mile-march-2011 <![CDATA[MAYHEM, the EVOMS EVT1500 Porsche 997.1TT from Evolution MotorSports posts 234.6MPH]]>  EVOMS Founder and President Todd Zuccone along with Senior Engine Builder John Bray, Service Manager Robert Boreham and European Tuning specialist and EVOMS Tuning partner / driver / great friend driver from Exelixis in Greece, Mike Paridis post a record time of 234.6 MPH at the Texas Mile in March 2011. Special thanks to the people at Western States Petroleum for providing the fuel for our Texas Mile prep and run. Special shout-out to customers and rockers, TIEKEN for their great track, "She Lives" from their CD. Check out the band at www.TIEKENBAND.com. Put EYEBALLS to www.EVOMS.com to find more performance for Porsche, Gumpert, Lamborghini, Ferrari, BMW, Audi, and VW or give a call in Arizona 1.480.317.9911 or send an email: info@EVOMS.com. Evolution MotorSports Research & Development Center 1625 E. Weber Dr. Tempe, Arizona - USA. Phone 480.317.9911 EVOMS.com Follow Evolution MotorSports www.twitter.com/EVOMS www.facebook.com/EvolutionMotorSports www.facebook.com/EVOMSit]]> Mon, 19 Sep 2011 15:27:55 GMT http://dynoexelixis.gr/en/media/video/viewvideo/4/dynoexelixis/mayhem-the-evoms-evt1500-porsche-9971tt-from-evolution-motorsports-posts-2346mph